Sunday 28 November 2010

The wintry weather is here and I haven't left the house all weekend except for letting the chickens out. My dog, Thomas, is staring at me as I type but I'm avoiding eye contact because he's still waiting for 'the grand day out'.

School was busy last week and filled with the sound of children singing and practicing their parts in the school productions. The music room is above my office and throughout most weeks I 'enjoy' a variety of tunes on a range of instruments starting with piano and ending with drumming! Concentrating with the latter is really difficult so I tend to spend Fridays around the school and visiting the children in the Foundation stage. On Fridays the pre-school children spend some time with Mrs A in preparation for starting school in January and it's a great opportunity for me to start learning their names.

Sparklers in the Glade went well on Friday evening, despite the weather, and it was lovely to see the year 6 children looking after their buddies. The evening was a great opportunity for staff to meet new parents . It was so cold I spent most of my time around the campfire or hugging the Cob Oven!

Next Friday(6pm-8pm) we have the Christmas Cracker Fayre which is always well attended. I'll probably start my Christmas shopping then. The Kentisbeare School Association (KSA) have been busy preparing the event and it would be great to see you all there.

I am really impressed with the new KSA facebook page set up by Helen Botrill, the new chair and supported by the pro-active committee. All Kentisbeare parents are automatically members of the KSA but if you wish to access the page you need to be invited into the group by other members. The committee are hoping that this will be a great outlet to share information regarding events they are holding. Any questions or queries please contact Helen Botrill or other members of the committee.

Have a good week and keep warm. The dog has taken my husband for a walk around Killerton!

Tracey Hailey

Sunday 21 November 2010

The highlight of the children's week was obviously Friday when they supported Children in Need. The school council organised the day and invited children to 'Wear Spots' for the day and bring in a pound towards this worthy charity. They also organised a cake stall for the end of the day which was well supported. Many thanks to all the children and adults who helped make the day a success. Next week I'll tell you how much we raised and post a few photographs too.

Mrs Ainsworth was Forest School Training again this week which I know will have a great impact on the Outdoor Learning Programme(OLP) for Foundation and Key Stage 1 children. The OLP is working well in Key Stage 2 organised and run by Mrs Postlethwaite.Mr White and I attended a course on 21st Century Curriculum run by Chris Quigley. It was an inspirational day and also reassuring in many ways because it was very much in line with what we are trying to achieve at Kentisbeare. We came away with fresh ideas to discuss with staff.Throughout the year staff attend courses and meetings some of them compulsory but others to extend their own professional development and enrich the learning for our children.

Also last week I spent many hours in meetings with colleagues from neighbouring schools and at the Devon Association of Primary Headings briefing. Much of the discussion and concern was about how schools will continue to meet the needs of the children in this period of financial restraint. During the last 12 years budgets have increased and many initiatives have been introduced into schools. Daily I hear on the news ' what's in and what's now out' but many of the things we have introduced at Kentisbeare work well. We are all experiencing a period of uncertainty under new leadership but one thing is for sure all schools will be expected to cut spending costs but increase efficiency.

Don't forget Next Friday 26th November is another non-uniform day. For the privilege of wearing what you like children need to bring a bottle for the Tombola at the Christmas Fayre, which is on Friday 3rd December 6-8pm.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Last week felt very long mainly because of wet play-times. Sadly the weekend weather has been equally grim.Unfortunately we had to cancel 'Sparklers in the Glade' on Friday but hope to find another evening before Christmas.

The week started well with the year 5/6 athletic team winning the indoor tournament at Uffculme Secondary. Medals were awarded in our Celebration Assembly.

On Tuesday the year 3/4 children had a visit from the Really Wild Show as part of their work on Habitats and Rainforests. Everyone had a fantastic time and I'm pleased to say all beasties were accounted for at the end of the day.

It was lovely showing around prospective parents this week who were very complimentary about the school, the pupils and all we do.

I am pleased to say that on Thursday evening the Kentisbeare School Association (KSA)Meeting was well attended and we now have a complete committee and the support of many. If you couldn't make this meeting but are happy to help at events please contact the school or speak directly to the Chair Helen Botrell.

As part of our Remembrance Day Collective Worship we held a 2 minute silence and I felt very proud of how all our children, including the 4 year olds were able to show respect in this way.

The year 6 had a visit from Caroline Atkins, England International Cricketer who worked with the childen and plans to return again soon. The year 4 children are taking part in a 'Maths through Rugby' scheme which involves a player from Exeter Chiefs working with the children. It has been great so far and who knows maybe he can get the rest of the team to pay us a visit before the end of term.

Rehearsals for the Christmas Productions have started and the KSA are planning the Christmas Cracker Fayre. Before this we will be supporting Children in Need by having a non uniform day on Friday 19th November. The schools involvement has been planned by the School Council and they would like all the children and adults to wear spotty clothing and bring a contribution of 50p for this excellent charity.

Another busy week. Hopefully a dry one.

Sunday 7 November 2010

A busy time for everyone last week with 2 late evenings with parents. I enjoyed chatting to many parents who were waiting for their appointments. It's always great to catch up on news particularly about ex-pupils who have gone on to secondary school.

I also enjoyed meeting parents of our January starters who attended our information evening on Thursday. Mrs Ainsworth (class teacher) led the session, handed out our Welcome Pack and answered any questions. Both evenings went well and I received a positive response from many parents regarding our Outdoor Learning Programme which has been running since September.

The OLP is a culmination of initiatives we have implemented over the years: Forest School, Eco schools, Sustainable schools development and so on. Each year group in KS2 has an afternoon working on the OLP and the feedback from the children and parents has been excellent. We intend to do the same in Fondation and KS1 one the staff training is completed.

Bikeability training also took place this week for our year 6 children. This was quite an intense course but very worth while. The children will be presented with their certificates next week.

Also next week don't forget the Kentisbeare School Association (KSA) meeting on Thursday 11th November in the school hall. We really do need your support.

I'm looking forward to Friday when our September and January starters are invited to a 'Sparklers in the Glade' evening. We have done this for several years now and it has been great. Food cooked outside and an opportunity for parents to meet each other, the staff and the year 6 buddies.

Have a good week.